The difference between leader and manager ✔️ Here are some subtle differences!

The difference between leader and manager ✔️ Here are some subtle differences!

What is the difference between leader and manager? A subtle but visible one!

Many people equate "leader" with "manager" and, while this is not entirely wrong, there are some significant differences, namely not all managers can be defined as leaders. Basically, the main difference is that, while the manager focuses on the present and on concrete goals, the leader differentiates himself through innovation and seeks to make history. In the following, we will try to answer the question in the title from the perspective of two authors, Max Landsberg and Abraham Zaleznik, who, although approaching the issue from distinct directions, intersect in their views in many respects.

The difference between leader and manager (Landsberg). According to this theory, there are three areas in which a leader and a manager differ: vision, motivation and forwardness. In terms of vision, the manager aims for short-term results, is rational, seeks to establish order and limit risks, while the leader looks at things rather in the long term, is not afraid of change and does not fear appealing to emotion, besides cognitively. In terms of motivation, the manager uses control, organises the team and tries to stimulate them in various ways, while the leader relies more on trust, attracts and inspires people, focusing on causes, values and the common good.

Last but not least, as far as the frontline is concerned, the manager is efficient, is interested in "how" and "when", rarely goes outside the formal framework and does not hesitate to use the authority of the job, whereas the leader asks "what" and "why", seeks to change rules and policies rather than blindly following them and is not afraid to use personal influence. Therefore, in Landsberg's view, the two entities overlap almost perfectly on "strategy", while the manager masters execution very well and the leader focuses more on vision.

The difference between leader and manager (Zaleznik). On the other hand, the second approach focuses rather on the differences between manager and leader, which he summarizes in 12 sentences. Thus, while the former "manage, ask how/when, focus on the system, do things HOW they should, maintain, control, aim for the short term, accept situations they cannot influence, follow the completion of the goal, imitate, copy and are 'good soldiers'", the others "innovate, ask what/why, focus on people, do WHAT it takes, develop, have confidence, aim for the long term, defy situations they cannot influence, look to new horizons, create, show originality and are individual characters".

In conclusion, the difference between leader and manager is that the former provides motivation and guidance, being an "agent" of change, acting as a coach, creating fans, while the latter is in charge of coordination and management, maintaining the "status quo". Of course, it cannot be said that one is more important than the other, as the field of activity of the company in which this personality is at the head is very important. It should also be noted that there are employees who prefer to be led by a leader, while others feel more comfortable under a manager.

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  1. The difference between leader and manager ✔️ Here are some subtle differences!