First Time Manager



What is the First Time Manager Course?

The century of speed brings upon us small retentions, burnouts, and rapid changes of areas, rapid promotions that, although the job may fit us like a glove, it can put more pressure on our shoulders than we can handle at the time. And because what prepares us better than an experience per se, we thought of a program designed for just that. An experiential program. To gain as much information and skills as possible, in the shortest possible time.

First Time Manager training is focused on developing the leadership skills of people who do not have management experience, have recently been promoted, or are about to take a leadership position in the organization they work in. Before the training program, we identify which are the weak points that we need to strengthen and which are the gaps that we need to fill. All related to the position held, the field of activity, and the industry in which you operate or want to enter as soon as possible.

During the training you will identify ways in which you can adapt to the new role of manager, you will receive tools to work with people and techniques to motivate the team to achieve the desired results. Of course, optimizing the processes on the personality type of each participant.

Who is the training for?

Certainly, management techniques are useful regardless of the field or industry. This program is aimed at newly promoted people, those who want a career in management but also those interested in discovering the latest and most effective management models and new techniques, all to increase overall productivity.






The DISC principle. Knowing one's own personality that helps identify and overcome certain personal barriers.

Vision, mission, values. Defining your own vision and implementing it in the department you are a part of for a better performance.

Subconscious and goals. Confidence in the skills acquired and an increase of influence that helps you gain a favored positioning in a project or for a future promotion.

Personal challenges. Valuable experience from the exchange of information, case studies and concrete examples from the activity of the other group colleagues, which help you gain new perspectives of action.

Social status. The participation diploma, which confirms the completion of the management program and the level of knowledge acquired, issued by one of the most recognized training companies on the market.


The DISC principle. Identifies the personality type of the future manager and the corresponding classification in the new role.

Vision, mission, values. Defining the objectives of the new manager role to the team members, which saves time in the operations.

Subconscious and goals. Experiential teaching mode, a better transmission of management objectives to team members (interactive simulation and practical exercises that help set concrete and achievable goals for increasing team/department performance), which saves time in running operations.

Personal challenges. New perspectives and experiential learning for the optimization of the projects leading to the economy (human, time) and the investment of the resources saved in other key activities.

Social status. Awareness and assumption by the participants of the leading role, the package of benefits they receive from the organization becoming an investment and not just a cost.

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Programe de dezvoltare organizațională și soluții inovatoare care te ajută să câștigi timp, bani și înțelepciune.
Strada Popa Nan, nr. 171, Bucuresti
0745 755 484
  1. First Time Manager