Logistic System Analysis



What is this program about?

The distribution and logistics system is one of the key complex processes in the company. Because it involves a large number of variables, careful analysis can generate concrete solutions to different difficulties and development ideas for increased productivity.

Our consultants thoroughly document the steps of the company's distribution and logistics system and identify areas that need improvement or modification. In addition, the processes, sub-processes and their responsibles are documented so that development can take place much faster.

Who is it for?

This kind of analysis is addressed to managers of small and medium-sized companies, but also to distribution or logistics managers that are part of bigger companies. It is iseful for any organisation that needs an "x-ray" of this sector of activity.







Improved team management. For the distribution or logistics managers, the analysis of the system represents an improvement of the relationships between colleagues.

Overview of the system. An overview of the entire system, extremely useful for management.

Problem solving. When difficult situations or blockages occur, the direction of resolution is easier to identify.

Stress reduction. Once procedures and processes are clarified, the stress level of team members will decrease. 



A documented system. All processes in the distribution and logistics departments will be documented and easy to follow / manage.

Efficient decisions. The time invested in making the right decisions decreases considerably with the efficiency of the processes.

Clear team responsibilities. Each team member will know exactly what their responsibilities are and how they intersect with those of their colleagues.

Development directions. Clarity on areas that need improvement or modification.

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Programe de dezvoltare organizațională și soluții inovatoare care te ajută să câștigi timp, bani și înțelepciune.
Strada Popa Nan, nr. 171, Bucuresti
0745 755 484
  1. Logistic System Analysis