Problem Solving



What is the Problem Solving training about?

Although it's an activity we all do because it's part of life, problem solving can have a more clearly structured path in your organisation and you can use validated tools to help you reduce your problem solving time. 

At the training you will discover information about how the brain works and how to make efficient use of the logical resources available to us. You also learn how to outline your goal or desire so that the path to identifying solutions is as clear as possible. 

When it comes to Problem Solving, it is of course necessary to carefully analyse the causes of the situation in order to avoid its repetition in the future. In addition, you will build an implementation plan for the problem solving strategy, taking into account risks, possible barriers and of course measuring relevant indicators throughout the process. 

At the end, you will address how to take feedback and strategies for incorporating lessons learned from the process, as well as how to document the entire journey and plan to avoid similar problems in the future. 

Who is this Problem Solving course for?

This training is usually aimed at people in management positions who need to make the right decisions in the shortest possible time. 


Results of the Problem Solving training



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Programe de dezvoltare organizațională și soluții inovatoare care te ajută să câștigi timp, bani și înțelepciune.
Strada Popa Nan, nr. 171, Bucuresti
0745 755 484
  1. Problem Solving