Events Calendar



20th-21st of May

Middle & First Time Manager - Bucharest
Take on the role of a manager and create a personalized leadership system. Use practical management techniques and become an inspirational leader!
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27th-28th of May

Finance for NonFinance - Bucharest
Train to make decisions based on financial information in an interactive business simulation. Build the company's development strategy for your future!
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10th, 11th, 17th & 25th of June

Communication using PCM® - Bucharest
Use the context of today as an opportunity! Discover the PCM® methodology to determine in real time someone's personality traits, distress behavior, reactions, and psychological needs. Find out the motivational factors that guide the choices of those around you in the current context.
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The most recent
Feedback is always very important to us. See what the participants think about our programs, how they managed to apply the tools they received, and what was the practical usefulness of the concepts learned.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
Calendar and registrations
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Programe de dezvoltare organizațională și soluții inovatoare care te ajută să câștigi timp, bani și înțelepciune.
Strada Popa Nan, nr. 171, Bucuresti
0745 755 484
  1. Events Calendar